Monday, April 5, 2010

Denise's Prom Story

My prom story...I went kicking and screaming...I so didn't want to go but one of my friends insisted going as far as to find me a date for the evening. Then a week before prom, when the tickets, dress and all the trimmings were purchased my date dumped me (can one be dumped even if they have never met the other person??) for my friend. I however got the last laugh as I then asked another friend of mine who had graduated the year before if he would go. My friend Matt said yes and showed up in a tux while "Mr. Dump" sported dockers and a sweater...
I won't go into details about the rest of the evening but I remember the waiter at dinner spent a great deal of time staring at my friend's chest making "Mr. Dump" fairly upset...

Denise Prom 1993

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